attooh! is a boutique financial planning firm with offices across South Africa.
“attooh!” has its origin in the heartland of what was known as the Orange Free State. Playing soccer, on scoring a goal, we would celebrate in unison, attoooooohhhhh! the cry of celebration. Apart from the unique name we use a butterfly as our icon, reflecting the consistent change clients experience and also delivers a message of living a life of “permanent purpose” Wouter Snyman is the founder and CEO of the attooh! Group of Companies and has more than 27 years’ experience in business.
Our core purpose is to “Make ordinary people millionaires and make millionaires financially independent”. We are in the business of helping clients change their mindsets and dispensing quality and appropriate financial advice, on the journey to independence.
attooh! was established in 2011 as one of the first Financial Advisor Groups within the Discovery Group Consultancy environment. Currently attooh! has a national footprint, with more than 180 tied advisors to Discovery, serving in excess of 50 000 clients. We are one of, if not ‘the’ fastest growing financial services group in South Africa.